
Thought Leadership

What is Addressable TV & How to Buy it?
What is Addressable TV & How to Buy it?
Addressable TV is a newer form of television advertising that allows marketers to deliver ads to specific, desired households during…
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What are Core Web Vitals & Why Do They Matter for SEO?
What are Core Web Vitals & Why Do They Matter for SEO?
USIM explains what Core Web Vitals are, why they matter for SEO, how to find your scores, and how to…
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What is CTV & How Do You Buy It?
What is CTV & How Do You Buy It?
Connected TV (CTV) refers to any television set that can be used to stream video content over the internet.  Content…
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How Main Screen, Ad-Supported TV Viewing has Evolved After One Year of COVID-19
How Main Screen, Ad-Supported TV Viewing has Evolved After One Year of COVID-19
In the last 12 months (Feb. 2020 to Feb. 2021), we have seen ad-supported, main-screen TV viewing (excluding Netflix, etc.)…
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How to Measure Foot Traffic?
How to Measure Foot Traffic?
What is Foot Traffic? Foot traffic refers to the number of individuals who physically enter into and move around a…
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Google Ads Match  Type Updates Feb 2021
Google Ads Match Type Updates Feb 2021
Google announced on 2/4/21 changes to paid search keyword match types starting mid-February. The broad match modifier type is being…
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What is Affiliate Marketing?
What is Affiliate Marketing?
What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is a form of digital advertising where advertisers pay third-party publishers a commission for…
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Apple’s IOS 14: Updates to Web Event Tracking
Apple’s IOS 14: Updates to Web Event Tracking
Apple has announced changes with iOS 14 that will impact how Facebook will receive and process conversion events from tools…
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What is Programmatic Media?
What is Programmatic Media?
What is Programmatic Media? Programmatic media allows advertisers to set advanced audience targets and build custom segments, then serve targeted…
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